Saturday, June 4, 2011

The drought is over! Biking Season it is......

The rain is here and so is the biking season 2011.

The Biking Season Is here!!!

Hell yeah! The much awaited season (for me atleast) is here :D :D :D

It has rained in Mumbai.!!

Unfortunately last biking season there were not much trips due to ongoing health issues and work commitments. But this season is promised to be better, bigger and filled with more biking experience reaching new destinations!!

My this biking seasons resolutions

1) Safe Riding (like Always)
2) More Routes to explore....
3) More Destinations to reach.....
& Far more bigger biking experiences to blog with hundreds (if not thousands) of Pics!

........................Dolly(My Bike) & Jamppu (Myself) are ready for this start there journey all over again and to bond forever with the tar & the route........

'This Season I am getting high on Life......down the never ending road....just jamppu , dolly & my ride......'