Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The Pleasure of Motorcycling"

I many times have gone through some squanders questions asked by people around me, when and where I share or discuss about my bike and my recent biking tours ......using many words and lines attached with examples I impotently try to answer their questions explaining them my point- What it felt exactly, being there on 2 wheels and what after marking territory of about 100s and 1000s of Kms so far!!!

The most echoed question which stands out of all is  "What Pleasure Does It Give To Do All This?? '  ...and whenever this Question is asked, I pause for a few second as thousands of thoughts and reasons roll in my mind.......

---The pleasure is in doing three-digit speeds for hours on end when most consider 60 as dangerous and 80 as fatal!!
---The pleasure is starting your bike's engine for a long-distance ride on a cold morning and listening to its steady comforting idle while you prepare for the ride.

----The pleasure is in listening to the crackling clicks from the hot engine and exhaust as they cool after a fast blast on the road.
----The pleasure is in watching a bunch of gleaming bikes knifing together through fast highway traffic.
---The pleasure is in watching a row of several single headlights trailing in your mirrors, the group on the move.
---The pleasure is in knowing a split second before the car in front panic-brakes. You were more focussed than the driver of that car. You survive and smile!!
---The pleasure is in tooting a salute to truckers who safely wave you past on a blind mountain curve.
---The pleasure is in glancing up at the cloud-darkened sky for a moment and guessing correctly how far ahead the rain will catch up with you.
---The pleasure is in riding with a bug splattered visor for long, trying to look from between the squashed mosquitoes.
---The pleasure is in cleaning the visor at a tea stop and seeing the world clearer through it as it had never been before.
---The pleasure is in greeting a dhaba-owner you meet after 2 years on a remote highway, like you greet an old lost friend.
---The pleasure is in washing your muck-covered Bike beside a cool mountain stream.  
---The pleasure is when the group gets together weeks after a long ride and talks about it like it happened just yesterday. (Which these fools can never understand)

---The pleasure is in seeing photos of a re-grouping stop when everyone in the group with helmets on look like astronauts with overgrown heads!!
---The pleasure is in watching other road users gawking wide-eyed as the group does three-digit speeds together in formation.
---The pleasure is in having just the right tool and spares at hand when something goes wrong with the Bike in the middle of nowhere.

---The pleasure is when you take off your wristwatch, and see a band of untanned skin.
---The pleasure is when you use your hands, arms, thighs, knees and feet to steer.
---The pleasure is when you take off your riding jacket for a break, and feel the breeze dry your sweat.
---The pleasure is when you sing to yourself on an empty road. You’re the world’s best rock star.
---The pleasure is when you reach a place you’ve never been before, and someone you’ve never seen before asks you for a ride. And comes back grinning.
---The pleasure is when you wave to village kids, and they wave back.
---The pleasure is when you fight the wind, and win.
---The pleasure is when you look at a dust-streaked face in the mirror after a 12-hour ride, and don’t want to wash up.

---The pleasure is when your throttle hand has calluses.
---The pleasure is when you stop at the smallest of towns, and somebody asks you deep technical questions about your bike.

And just unlike the ill-fated four wheelers....

---The pleasure when being treated as special because we are on a bike, something that would never happen if you arrive in a car.
---The pleasure is when we cut through air, at 50 kph or 100.
---The pleasure is when we almost, almost fall. But don’t. (F**K...this is felt and enjoyed only only by a Biker)
---The pleasure is when we stop to help push a stranded car to the side of the road when you had the choice of riding past.
---The pleasure when  they helplessly ask us push their machine...adding to our benignity.
---The pleasure is when we jump a speed breaker on high speed still not dashing our heads above.
---The pleasure is when we have to battle-scars, each one a lesson in survival on our two wheels.

---The pleasure is when we can feel the cool morning and the hot afternoon, the light rain and the damp fog all on our Machines
---The pleasure is when we leave four-wheeler traffic standing in a jam.
---The pleasure is when you aren’t lulled by an air-conditioner.
---The pleasure is when you are free. Open. Independent. Liberated.


---The pleasure is when you are a biker. But you’ll never know how that feels, will you, Mr 4 Wheeler?

---The pleasure is when you finish your day’s ride, and reach in One Piece. You’re the smallest vehicle on the road, and you’ve survived. 

Just Ride, Ride , Ride...........................................Ride Long And Safe...!!!!
'Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.'

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another 550 kms Conquered on Two Wheels, Mumbai-Trimbak-Shirdi

Saturday 12th September 2009.

It was time for another Biking tour this time a One-Dayer to Trimbak-Shirdi.

Route: Mumbai-Manor-Wada-Trimbak-Nashik-Shridi-Nashik-Kasara-Padghe-Kalyan-Mumbai

Distance on Meter: 550 Kms

Bikers: Myself (Unicorn Sporty) and Hemant Solanki (KZM)

Roads Strip : Unknown Road(To) and NH3 (Fro)

Day and Date: Saturday, 12th September 2009

A day before on Friday, my H.R. informed of Saturday being off this week and instantly flashed the thought of another Biking Tour. And before giving it a second thought I immediately decided on the Trimbak a.k.a. Trimbakeshwar as I knew this would be the best time to be there as less crowed was expected during these days of the year. I shared and discussed the idea with my other biking friends to invite them to join in but to the disappointment all of them were tied up with some prior commitments.
With a last hope I contacted one of my best friend - Hemant. With a condition to extent the tour to Shirdi, I manage to convince him for the tour. The memories of the falls during the GOA tour still fresh so I made sure that I have my protective gears ON this time.

My New Protective Gears :)

Now that the tour was extended, we had to start as early as 4.00am on Saturday morning. Hemant was there on time as we started our journey with a Coconut Breaking Ceremony. It was dark and we were all set and so were our Machines, to burn the fuel and set the roads on Fire. Being a senior rider that day, I shared some DO’s and Dont’s with Hemant. With a warm Hug and Whishing each other Good Luck we flagged off on NH8 towards Manor.

Fueling up at Bhayender we then continued with a good speed of 70. Riding another 60Kms we reached Manor by 5.15am and then took a right towards WADA.

@ Manor Junction

Just on the way from Manor to Wada it was dawn time as the sky started glowing.

The road was a narrow with No divider. Fog not so dense, we could see the greenery on both side of the road to some 15-20 Meters.

Morning moist made riding difficult for Hemant as he had to stop every now and then to clean his spectacles. But to the positive side, he was enjoying the morning dawn a lot as it was his first time on such biking tour. We rode 30kms on 60-70 to reach WADA.

Just as I said.....Hemant looked Excited!

The Beast....

Hows that for a Pose??!!

Now taking a left we took a very narrow road for Trimbak which was 80Kms from Wada. Just as we left Wada, the road ahead was something that I never seen in my entire Life Time! The next 80kms to Trimbak was the best I had experienced in all the 21000Kms that I rode in the last 2 years.

Meet our Machines....

The Black Dog - Hero Honda Karizma

My Dolly - Unicorn Sporty

For the next 30-40kms we rode through lush green meadow, Rocky Mountains, Curvy Ghats, Valleys and Bridges. The climate was such a beauty that could not resist stopping every 2-3 Kms with Mother Nature unfolding its exquisiteness.

Resting in Peace

Unfortunate Snake :(

Dolly .....Standing High

Black Dog .....Standing with Pride
The cloudy weather, curvy plain road, zero traffic and greenery all around: The Best a Biker could ask for! (Frankly, I am lost out of words)

Green as far seen.....

The risk of selecting a unknown route paid off. Hemant could not stop chanting the beauty of the surroundings. It was surely a wonderland! We went on and on to uncover the hidden beauty and unfolding it on the curvy road ahead.

We were losing on time but still we could not resist stopping at almost every km to enjoy the nature’s unmatched beauty. By the time we reached Trimbak it was already 11.00am.

We then visited the famous Kund thereafter going to the temple and there on had our lunch at a local lodge there. By the time we finished all this it was half past noon.
We knew if we had to go to Shirdi (120 kms more), we could not afford to waste time. I got my gears on and we were off again this time promising ourselves not to stop until Shirdi. By passing the crowed roads of Nasik we reached Shirdi by 4.00pm.

Wasting no more time we finished Sai Darshan and were back on our machines by 5.00pm. It was now time to begin the journey home. Asking a localite about the route, he suggested us to reach Nasik before dark as there were some recent incidents of Dacoits looting the trespasser in the route. With this thought in our minds, we made sure that the Speed O Meter stayed on 70-80 to cover 120 in just 1.45 hours.

By the time we reached Nasik, the red and yellow clouds splash across the sky as the sun dipped beneath the horizon. It was dark and the road was not friendly enough for a rider but we had to cover another 180 kms to reach back home safe. With a butt break of 10min, I gave some strict instructions to Hemant and asked him to go slow and steady as it was his first time. No visibility, sliding a bit...we were terrified, but manage to keep it together and get it down to 40 on the Speed-O-Meter. I was just holding on tight as I lead ahead with Hemant who followed watching my back light. Bringing in all the experience from my previous ride, we rode carefully for the next 30kms.

Unfortunately, there was nothing but more gravel ahead due to the ongoing construction projects resulting irritation and red eyes. More 100kms to cover it was really a challenged to our audacity as we rode with a minimum speed possible. Riding for almost 6 hours nonstop we finally entered Mumbai …..And our faces depict mixed emotions- The delight to complete the tour safe and sound and the tiredness of riding for 6 hours nonstop.

Reaching back home I was straight on to the bed (after a bath) relaxing My Eyes, Mind, Body Soul and the whom it was most deserved My Butts!!! ;)
Rising next morning from my bed, felt the gratification of completing yet another biking tour. I could not stop talking about the tour with my friends @ Welingkars the next day.

Promising to come back again sharing my experience in many such tours in the future. I thank you all for taking some time reading this blog.

Mumbai - Trimbak - Shirdi - Mumbai

4 Wheels Carry the Body...Two Wheels Carry the Soul

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mumbai to Goa 1301 Kms on Two Wheels (Cut Short)

Friday 14th August 2009.

Route: Mumbai-Khed-Nandgaon-Goa-Belgam- Kolhapur-Satara-Pune-Mumbai

Total Distance on Meter: 1301 Kms
(NH17: 596 Kms NH4 705 Kms)

No of Bikers: Rachit Kohli ( Karizma), Ajay (Unicorn Sporty), Nitin (Avenger) and Myself (Unicorn Sporty)

Roads Strip Selected: NH17 and NH4

Date: 14-15-16 Aug '09

After my last trip to Pune, it was time for an other biking trip this time a very long one- To Goa with 3 othere friends Rachit( KZM) , Ajay (Unicorn) and Nitin(Avenger). The ideal dates to execute this planning was to choose a Public holiday sticking to the weekends. And it was 15th August the immediate nearby holiday, it was Saturday.

The Excitement for the trip was very much at its peek, as it was a good 600+ Kms ride. Obviously the preparation had to be done a good 2-3 Days back. Starting with lieing to Mom as I knew that she would neve let me go on a Bike to such a long distance. Secondly got the bike serviced a day before the ride. As we had to start the journey together, I went down to Rachit's place so that we can start together the next morning.

With almost a sleepless night due to the excitement got up at 4.30am and we were all set to start by 5.30am. We were all there at the decided time and place. Started with a Coconut Breaking Ceremony , then Rachit explaining about the formation, some disciplines, few dos & dont's on the ride. We all new that it would be a challenging task ahead and our minds were just prearing for it which showed on to our face. We where all set to fire our machines. We then flagged off with our first formation . With the speed-o-meter moving touching 85+ speed within no time we reached Panvel to take our first halt there. A break of 20mins and we were off again now on NH17, moving smoothly on 80+ .

Unfortunately unlike my other ride to Pune, this time it was challenging as NH17 was just a 2 Lane road with no Diver separating them. It was my first ride on such road. Just another 50-60kms it started raining again! forcing us to take the 2nd halt. Getting restless for around 20minutes & felt like it was just wastage of time. We had a brief discussion and then decided that we will have to ride in such heavy rains also or else our plan then would then be a failur. Now we were all wet and the wet roads made sure we were well between 60-70 on the Speed O Meter. But then to the better side of it, the rainy climate and the greenery on both side of the road made the enviroment simply splendiferous and enjoyable to ride.

Rachit(KZM) & Ajay(Unicorn) were leading us with myself & Nitin(Avenger) where following them at a distance. The rain now stopped and the Speed meter was back again on 80-90. Riding well within our lane the vehicals in the opposite lane just zoomed passing by. Just as one of the major problem that one faces on a No-Divider Road, a truck coming from the opposite direction left his lane to overtake a local vehical. The truck now on my lane and I well riding on 75+ , forced me to hit my front disk. And before i could controll myself, the next moment I was Down! For the next few seconds i lied on the road motionless as I took me a while to understand what happend. I took the fall on my Right side which injured my Right Knee, Right Hand and the Hip. More than myself I worried for my bike as the front side of the bike was crashed. Getting on to the feet with Nitin's Help and sitting for the next 20Mins, I was back again on my Bike to continue as there were not many option. Reminding me of the prase : 'When you dont have option you do amazing things'

All this happening behind the other two riders waiting ahead about 4-5 Kms, for us. Getting down, Nitin was furious and he bawled out to the other two (Rachit and Ajay) as they left us helpless behind. In another 10 min I used the First Aid (Thanks Rachit) as the minds of the other three clamed down. We burning the fuel again. I was very low on confidence as memories faof thell flased into my mind. With another 20-30kms the Biking Spirit was back-High & we continued the journey ahead.

Withing another 45 minutes, we soon passed by Mahad, Poladpur to reach the much talked Kashedi Ghat. This ghat is claimed to have the most dreadedfull curves all the way down and Up. The Maharashtra State Transport Drivers are taught the art of Driving a Bus. We stopped at the start of the ghat and just as I looked ahead the ghat looked really scary!! The other 3 just made sure that I was all prepared for the ghat we all were back on our machines. Rachit- All excited to the road ahead, went zooming to enjoy his twisties(He is very Good At it) & again wait for us after the ghat ends to take back his tailing position.

At the start of the Kashedi Ghat
With the memories of the last fall still on the back of my mind, I was really very careful on the Ghat as the Speed O Meter was running below 50 .

The view from mid way of the Kashedi Ghat

The curvey road ahead on the Kashedi Ghat

Just as I reached the top of the ghat and looked at the road ahead!!! It was really amazing!! I never have seen such steep roads with mountain on one side and valley on the other. I could literally see the road all the way down to the end and the snaky twist and curves. Carefully we were all down as Rachit joined us back again completing the formation. We soon, zoomed passing by Khed, Asgani. The roads where in good condition only problem was no divider which ment anytime overtaking would mean you have to be on the opposite lane which was risky. By this time the Tripper showed 350 Kms already covered.
My confidence was all back and I burned out the gas a bit more to Lead the formation for the first time!!! With straight roads ahead I zoomed up to touch 115 on my Speed O Meter for the first time ever i started biking. To share this with my fellow Wing Rider- Mr. Ajay(Unicorn), I slowed down to 75+ allowing him to come to my right. For the next 1 Min I did what a Biker should never do, I was talking to Ajay with No Eye on the road ahead. It was dangerous and before i could realize, i was off the road again!YES The 2nd Fall (Speed-O-Meter must be 60-70). I again took the fall to my right, which was already in pain with a fall around 2 hours back. Thanks to the almighty that the road had a grass cover with not much stones. The right knee took the major part of the impact and the pain was enormous. And then when I looked back to my bike, I initially thought that she was all OK. This time the other three were all there to see all this. which made them burst out in a laugh. I was the most junior bikers among all 4, so knew that a 2nd fall in about 370 kms was abviosly a bad performance. This thought made me hide my pain in front of them. It was only myself, who knew how much it pained! (F*****) . With a totally uncalled butt-break, we were all laughing for the next 20 Mins.

Me trying to maintain a smile after the fall
Place were the 2nd fall happened

My Damaged Bike and Nitin relaxing in the background

I was back on the bike again all simling and hinding my pain behind it just to realise that my Bike's 'T' (Handel) was bent! from the right side. Realising this the first sentance out of my mouth was 'I cant Ride I cant continue !!'. And all the smiles from the faces disappeared! Now we all were worried on how should we go ahead with it, spoiling all the fun. :(

With a small discussion , we then decided on leaving my bike to some local mechanic & contiuing the journey with me being a pillion with any of the other three. We were in the middle of nothing, so there was no option but to contiue adjusting the biking position. Just as we covered another 8-9 Kms, there were 100's of emotional thoughts running throgh my mind. I felt guilty as the 2 falls so far spoiled the mood of the other 3. But above all it was the disappointment of not completing the biking Tour on my won bike was all that I was thinking. If I had to continue about 350-375 Kms more to go, it was obviously A RISK! But all the emotions got better of me and I took a arduous decision to continue with the damaged bike. I shared the same with the other 3 riders and thanks to them that they respected my decision (Thank you guys!) We already lost a lot of time and there was still 350-375kms to be covered.

Zooming ahead another 70 Kms we stopped again for the Lunch break at Rajapur. By this time it was not only our mind but the body also started jading. We are already way behind our schedule, but now evreryone was focused on reaching GOA then on the time. With serious riding for the next 2 hrs we zoom passed Nandgaon, Kankavali & reached Sawantvadi. By the time were there the Sun was already down as we had our butt break. Now the road ahead was more challegning as it shirked overtaking one was just impossible. It was darn difficult for us as could see nothing around. What made this more difficult for me was was the bent front light, hence the my beem was not straight and on the other side the heavy high beamers from the opposite side where flashing in our eyes. For me riding another 90kms was just on luck. Leaving Savantwadi, we knew we were just there.....and in the next 1 hour we reached GOA!!!(It was almost 9.00pm)

I was here last year and used up my linkups to get a room close to the Calangute Beach at cheaper rates. All by now, were badly tired but were equally excited for a reason of achievement now.It was a feeling of satisfaction that we Dared to be Different!.

The place were we stayed

Everybody got freshed, changed & we went out to fill our stomach it was already 11.30pm now. Rachit was dieng to have a beer and other two Nitin and Ajay had Shravan.

@ the restaurant and rachit all tiered but still posing!

It was now that I said a wholeheartedly 'SORRY' the other 3 for not performing good till now. Sportively they laughed it out. They said that this is a part of a Bikers Life! and all this is learning process. :) In fact they started sharing there stories of their first biking trips and their falls in those. All that they were worried for was that I had lied back home to be there. Now the heart was les heavy. After filling up our tummies, we where now zombies.. & all we needed was a Bed. We all dozed off as there never tomorrow.

Next day was our relaxing day & we had to see places around Goa. It was Saturday & all of managed to got up early as expected, not sooner than 11am :) It was a lazy morning for us as all where recovering from the journey fever.

Massaging session for Ajay

We where getting ready & our steeds where already ready, glowing & waiting to roar around GOA

By the time everybody succeeded in looking good it was 12am when we left. Just while having our breakfast in the afternoon ;) by this time we gave up the thought on leaving my bike to a Machinic as we thought it would be better if done in Mumbai. I already made more than 350 Kms with the bent Handel and was more confident. After the breakfast it was time to Roar Now...starting with Clangute beach.

Just as we were entering the beach Nitin's Sony Cam was already clicking!

Here are some click click moments :)

The beach was just superb & the sea was deadly. Yes it was really wild & extremely dangerous. One puts his just feet inside on the shore, the sea pulls it significantly inside.

Beautiful Calungute Beach

The life-savers & the cops where patrolling around the shore & announcing nobody should go in the water. So we roamed around the beach.

And by the time they were patrolling, we were still posing

Yes they really do.. ;)

While the other enjoying the beach view

Hero of India's Baywatch Series

With high spirits, the other 3 decided to get a tattoo done on there arms so that they could show them off!!!

Then we headed towards Fort Aguada. Its a wonderful fort, though none of us went inside, just took some snaps from out. For the proof of we where there, here are few pix.. :)

No idea, what is Rachit trying to show us with this pose...

The Light House

The Wing Riders.....Me and Ajay

Feeling like GOD....Nitin!

The God between the Wings!

Then we went to a place where Dolphin Ride happens. We saw a beautiful River Bed & some boats parked there. TO our disappointment the Dolphin ride was closed due to Rains. But to cheer us up was the wonderful river which was the best place for our mission "Posergiri" ;)

Hence pix follows...

Beautiful!!! Isnt it?
Just as we reached

and the shoot begun

Yes the Calender will be out soon ;)

Rachit , Me and Nitin...

And Saar....Dancing!!

We utilized the time & the place in the best way we could by doing all possible posses.

Here am I posing..

Kingfisher calendar still in the making! ;)

The Extras..... :p
And the Fisher who is surely a King!
Munna and Circuit

Fantastic Four!

Or should I say Passionate Four!!

Best View

Dont know Coming Out or Going In?!

Wing Riders!
Did you see that!!! A Titanic!!...

Adventure.. that's what we Love

Time for some close-ups now :

Wing Rider......Ajay(Unicorn)

Always Game....Rachit(KZM)
Feel Like God...Nitin(Avenger)
And Me....A Proud Wing Rider!

lets go now.. enough..

On your Mark.....Get set.....n n n n n.....

And Go!

Oh God! This guy is still Posing!!!

Then we reached another beach near Taj.. Don't remember its name.. Didn't spent much time as we had to go further at Mapusa market which was almost 15 kms away for some shopping.

Pix at the beach:

Just as we reached....

And we started again!!!

Anna-Chubis Ghante Chokanna!

Me the Actor!

Back on our Machines!

And then we headed towards the Mapusa Market, where we can get some cashew nuts, wines, etc.

Beautiful road to main market!

In the market searching for a decent shop!

@ the shop purchasing cashew-nuts , Wine and some Goan specialty!
While returning back to the room.

My Dolly!
Our Machines!
We managed to purchase some cashew nuts & wines. We wanted to buy lot of stuff for our family & friends, but we being on bikes, we cannot carry too many things. it was almost the end of the day as the sky was dark now. But for us it was not :) reached back to the room and and it was time to PARTY! Just as the mood flowed in, I too made up my mind to enjoy 1 or 2 pegs ( No i dont drink this was the 3 time in my life time). All agreed to have dinner above or roome where there was Peace.I and Ajay went out to get the dinner, some soft drinks(for Ajay and Nitin) and Hard drinks (For myself and Rachit) .

Just a proof that we got the Dinner
The climate was all set Dim Light, Soft music, cold breeze blowing across the table and the drinks. It started with a Toast to our journey & wishing for many such 'KMs' on our 'Road' of Journey ahead.

The Pegs very ready and so were the Lips!

Cheers to the Spirit of Biking!!

Now the satifaction was to the fullest.

DAM!! after two pegs the world was not steady for me :) :) :) ;) ;) ;)

Here the place were we stayed...and the place above!

Me after two pegs!

And just as we were about to finish the dinner one of rachit's friends informed that few of other riders (xBHPian) from mumbai were also in GOA!. After calling them to our suprise they where lying down at Bagha Beach which is just 5 min. away from where we stayed. So then we wrapped up our small celebration and headed straight to Bagha Beach. It was almost mid-night then. I was in no condition to ride as the pegs had better of me. So was a pillion behind Rachit.

Here are few pics of the meet.

It was after meeting that it came to our knowledge that NH4 would have been better option as it 4 lane road with a big divider separating them the only side effect that journey would have been 180kms longer than what we covered on NH17. It was a good news for us as that is what we wanted. We were quick to decided that the its now NH4 cgoing back to Mumbai.

We left from there back to our room for a short sleep. Just as we were leaving, some one with his Sand-Art created Indian's Map with Mud.

The Map...

....and here's My Salute!

All woke up quite early the next day & got ready. Paddled up the bags, cleaned the Helmet visors, Geared Up.. & where all set to Burn the Roads...!!

On inquiring about our route for NH4 we went till Sawantvadi and taking a turn for Belgaum (Karnataka). Just as we started again from Savantvadi after breakfast, the connecting road to Belgam-Savantvadi was simply beautiful, early morning fresh breeze passing by your body, breathing the freshest air one could get. Could easily feel the enjoyment our steeds where having while going on high speed.
We took a small halt for a while for a nature call for Nitin and out was the camera again.

The road that we left behind!
Place where we were above the clouds! (That's Ajay)
...and Me.
This guy is waving as if he is off to America....

Nitin was exhausted, his stomach was not treating him well. He was feeling dehydrated & consuming water continuously. The road was still the same 2 lanes with no divider but were shaded with trees on both the sides, total peace, birds humming sound, roads via forest climbing up, waterfall sound.. Vow..!! The feeling was delightful.The Speed-O-Meter was on 70-80 by this.

As for the most of the time during the ride Rachit and Ajay zoomed ahead followed at a distance by myself and then Nitin (This guy always was with me). Now on the way was Amboli Ghat! and as one expects on a ghat, it was raining and the road was all wet. I was extra cautious and was only 30-40 shifting the gears again and again. Keeping a watch from the side glass on Nitin. Twisting and shifting gears, the curvy road were really difficult. I was on 40 when i saw a almost 350 curve ahead which was very steep. Slowed down and took the turn (bent handle) just as i completed, looked back to check for Nitin , exhilarating the same time and it was this time that my judgment of the bent handle went wrong. Just as i looked ahead realised that i was about to go off road (Speed-O-Meter on 40) panicking to the situation I immediately hit my Disk Break and Dhishoom down I was!!! YES THE 3RD Fall!!!!!!! and once again falling to the Right side . Fortunetly I got up immediately just before Nitin could stop his bike and Inquire. Lifting the bike, I realized that the hit to the Hip was severe. It pained like anything!!! I tried touching my hip but could the pain was excruciating. Gulping the pain(With fear of other 3) I was riding again. The confidence again going to the minimum level.

I some how made to the top of the ghat. The climate by then was really at its best. We where riding through fog & could see the 'Cloud Bed' around us. On the right side it was the rocky mountain and on the left it was a deep deep valley which thank god was not visible because of the Fog around. The road was such a beauty that the steepness was almost close to zero but the curves were never ending. It felt as if somebody has glued the road to mountain as you could feel that road was literally hanging to the mountain. After riding in such for a while , we spotted AJAY and Rachit halting near by a small water fall. They were surprised to know that I had 3rd fall. By now they were quite acquintant with my falls :) I remember Rachit saying 'Itna First Aid toh mei Ladahk janeke time bhi nai wapra tha' and we all laughed it out. The camera was out again.

The small waterfall!

The foggy and curvy Ghat.

look at the fog... can you see anything ahead?!

Adorable waterfall

Moving again, I was now left alone behind as the other three zoomed ahead. The ghat came to an end and both the roads as well as my confidence was good enough to zoom steadily with the Speed-O-Meter showing 60-65. Another 5o-60kms riding alone I saw the other three riders stopping with Nitin lying down on the side of the road. I immediately looked at his bike hoping f or the best , but thank God his bike did not show any unfortunate incident. Instantly the second thought was that Nitin's heath must have worsen as he was not well right from the morning. Just as I pulled over and stoped, Rachit informed me that Nitin got a hit on his handle from right hand side by a bull who was crossing the road, which was extremely unfortunate. Another break of 25mins. The tour was really taking a toll on us, as most unfortunate events was happening with us. It was all emotional now. With some engouraging words such as 'Bas yaar Nitin 500km aur, and we are back home' and ' Come on Guys, lets do it!!! bas thoda aur yaar.....and we will make it' 'Thoda aur sehlo yaar thoda aur, we'll have to do it Come ON!' was trying to bring back the spirit up which I guess was required as that time. Nitin then some how managed to get his Gloves on.

His Middle Finger...could not use it now for the next few days! lol... ;)

We all started again.It was already 11.30am and we did not cover even 180 kms. Also to a dissapointment that we could not cover 100kms one strech right from when we left Mumbai. We had to make up for the time lost some how.

Now for the next 70kms Speed-O-Meter was on 70-75. We reached Belgam and just as broad Road (with divider) started I felt that as if I have not seen such road from ages. By taking a left in Belgam we were now on NH4 which was a SIX Lane road with a divider which was as big as 2 extra lanes!!!! we all were happy , and showed our happiness by riding around each other. We then zoomed to three digits no on the speed-o-meter! :) The road was a complete bliss for us, no potholes just a stretch.

We took a first break on the NH4 at Belgam as all where darn hungry. After resting for an hour, we started again.

Our Machines!

Yes...where God dines..... ;)

The awaiting road ahead.....
....and the road we bequeathed.

In all our minds we knew this was the time when we could do 100km Non-stop strech. We all zoomed again and the speed of 85-90 maintained constantly. I was still a bit careful as was riding with a bent handel. We then stopped for a butt break after covering 103kms. We very all happy as we felt that the Road was just a treat for us. Starting again we then cover another 114kms Non Stop!

& and then another 130kms.

Further nothing much we rode back through Belgaum, passed Kolhapur, Karad, Satara and Pune
Then directly halted at Lonavala. By the time we reached there , it was all dark.
Excited to reach home.

We were glad that we changed our route from NH17 to NH4 and also to the fact that we covered the distance in the best time possible.

It was now more 100kms to go to reach Mumbai and the Lonavala Ghat in between. But it was not over untill we were there. Hence rode slowly sticking to each other for the next 50-60 kms. Everybody had a bad body ache, but the feeling of complete this mammoth journey was incredible & healing on the pain. It was already 8.30pm till we reached Vashi and now we were all joyful to the thought the the journey was very much over. We now were expressing our joy by zooming round each other and competing each other on speed!!! ;)

I could not take the damaged bike directly home as lied at home so had to leave the other riders quickly at Airoli went back to my friend Neeraj's place so that I could take the bike to the garage the next morning. As for the bruises, thought I would say that I had a fall from a 'RENTED Bike' in GOA ;) While in traffic at Powai ,called up my other best friend Hemant at neeraj's place.

Finally reaching neeraj's place, I shared all my experience to my friends Hemant and Neeraj about the experience of bike. Then were concerned and suprised both at one time. Concerned that the Bike was damaged badly and surprised on how am i still standing with 3 falls in totall.
There was still severe amount of pain on my right knee(1st and 2nd Fall), Hip(3rd Fall) and Right hand(1st, 2nd and 3rd Fall).

After removed my Jacket(Borrowed from Rachit) for the first time after leaving from Goa to see that my right hand had a long and deep scratch. The right hand was swollen double the normal size. But all this could not take the smile off my faced. In the next 1 hour, Hemant used up his First Aid Kit (of his bike]KZM) and they both helped me dress the wound so that i could hide the wound from my MOM. (Thanks a lot guys). While they were doing that I was busy explaining them the experience of biking and how we covered 1301 on Two wheels :)

Hemant then dropped me home on his KZM, with a little discussion with my mom at home i went off to sleep. The other day got up early and took the bike from Neeraj's place and sent it straight to a local garage.

Mumbai - Goa - Mumbai

Thank you guyz for taking time to read this blog. I hope you must have liked it & please be patient till we go on our next ride & I come back with similar exciting & thrilling blog of our tours.

Now, as we devils have tasted blood of Hard core touring, we need more.. Yes more flesh.. Many more kms to eat up in future..!!

Just one punch line before I bid bye.. "Ride Hard Or Stay Home"