Friday, July 31, 2009

Solo Biking from Mumbai to Pune 349 Kms

26th July 2009:

Guys would just like to share my experience of my first long biking trip that is from Mumbai to Pune on 26 July2009 and that too 'Solo'. I tried convincing my few friends about the Biking Experience that could be enjoyed together and that we should go someday for biking soon. But due to some or the other reason they never took me seriously on it. So then I realized that if i had to go, there is no option but to go alone.

2 Days before: Being the only child of my mother and also that lost my father 14 years back by a road accident it was really difficult to convince my mom for the trip. ( Before this I always use to give my mother some hints for the same that some day i might go for a long ride with Dolly(My Bike) ) Had to lie that one of my friend is joining me from Thane in the trip and this is how I managed to convince my Mom to allow me to go for the trip.

On the Day: The excitement for the trip in the morning resulted in almost a sleepless Saturday night.Woke up as early as 4.00am as I planed to start by 5.45am. Took a quick bath and got myself into a loose T Shirt and Jeans with Sports Shoes. As for the ride, took absolutely nothing but my Wallet and Mobile. Could not leave as planned but only by 6.30amThe Climate was excellent and it was almost about to rain. Just while leaving Mom reminded me that its 26th July today and my memories of the heavy rains just flashed in my mind.

After touching her feet, I started via Ghodbunder Road. I was planning to maintain a speed of 70-80 all along the trip as I was riding Highways all the way till Pune. Just reached Thane that it started pouring down. Thanked the almighty for it as i was always wanting to ride while it was raining. But as the rain increased its reminded me my friend advice of taking a Jacket along for the ride. The rain was hitting hard on my Chest and the forearms even at the speed of 50-55 so then had to slow down to 30-40 for 2-3 Kms. But thankfully just as I got onto the NH4 (National Highway 4) the rain stopped and I again greaed upto 60-70.

Just as I crossed Vashi , I got my Tank full and was set for non-stop ride atleast for the next 1-1.30 Hrs to stop some where in the midway. To be frank i was expecting Bumps and Pot holes in the highways all the way to Pune but i was so very surprised that the roads was as smooth as it could be with almost Zero Pot holes!!!! I glided all the way to reach Panvel and just as i crossed panvel the seacnic beauty of the mother natured started. In my mind, the feeling started building up and i was so very happy to see the greenery and beauty of the Mother Nature all around.
More and more I moved towards Pune the climate and the scenic beauty increased. The roads was good and more better were the road curves and I was gliding down towards the Khopoli Ghat. Just as I reached the their i could not resist but to get down at the ghat to feel the climate and the beautiful views of the mountains meeting the sky. All that you can hear is the birds in the forest humming and if you really concentrate the sounds of water falls. You can smell the composting leaves near by. And I was all surrounded by nature.

'Good luck Bharat!' I said to myself and was back again on two wheels to start my first Ghat climb. The road had enogh curves and turns to keep me 30-35. Some of them were really amazing curves and the acclivity of the ghat was really a test. Once again I got down on the mid way to the ghat and got some more pics.

I was losing on time and hence was quickly back on my bike and continued climbing the ghat. Reaching at the top, once again I halted looked down the ghat and I could feel on top of the world. The climate was simply superb and its started raining again, the roads were wet and their was fog which was intriguing the visibility on the road.

From NH4 , I was on Mumbai Pune Express Highway now, and rided through a beautifully built tunnel which made the feelings more intense. The foggy road continued and I did not realised that I missed a right turn to NH4. I realised only when i was stopped by the Express Police. I was shevering from cold and could hardly talk with the police to explain things. Some how i manged to convince that it was a mistake and had to loose some money. I took the first right to go back on to NH4.

I already lost a lot of time in all this and had to make up with it in the next 40-50 Kms. The road was best of what it can be, to move on 70-80 all the way to Pune. I reached there about 12.00 Noon and visited DAGDU SETH GANPATI Mandir located in the middle of the main market of Pune.

Had lunch in the near by hotel in Pune and started the journey back to Mumbai. Going again on 70-80 I quickly reached Lonvala.(This time made sure I don't again go on the Mumbai Pune Express Way) It was foggy and raining and the climate made Lonavala City was overcrowded resulting into heavy traffic. Moved through the traffic and now it was time to climb down Khopoli Ghat. The visibily was almost close to Zero as I could hardly see anything coming down the ghat.
Though it was a foggy on the top of the ghat, I knew that it was a fog but actually clouds (If seen from down). The climate was wonderfull and i took 2-3 haults to feel and enjoy the climate. Finally i managed to reach the bottom of the Ghat smoothly.

I was determent to cover the next 90kms in 2 hours and hence was moving on 70-75 all the way to Thane and from there on to Mumbai. As I reached Dahisar Check Naka the feeling as good as achieving something great.

I reached home by 4.45pm and was straight on to my bed after changing. While on the bed, the memories came flashing back ...the Roads, Climate, Ghats, Lonavala etc. and slowly I went to sleep.....dreaming again for a NEW RIDE on a NEW a NEW DESTINATION.